Online | Post-Election Heart Wisdom

Holding what is unfolding, with Tara Brach, Reggie Hubbard, James Baraz & Mushim Ikeda.
Dr. Tara Brach Zoom Meeting


These are tumultuous, uncertain and challenging times — and we need each other! Join Insight Meditation Community of Washington founder Tara Brach, PhD, and a community of caring humans at 1 p.m. ET on Saturday, November 23, as they explore how meditation can provide essential tools in navigating and serving our current world. The gathering will include a few short talks, meditating together, and a chance for small group sharing. Our shared intention is to nurture the compassionate presence that underlies wise and openhearted engagement with each other and our wider society. And our hope is that there will be gatherings such as this one, in an ongoing way.

Dr. Brach is a spiritual teacher, psychologist and author of several books including international bestselling Radical Acceptance, Radical Compassion and Trusting the Gold. Her teaching blends Western psychology and Eastern spiritual practices, mindful attention to our inner life, and a dedication to creating a more just, equitable and loving world.