The GW Resiliency & Well-being Center (R&W Center) invites you to join a lifestyle modification group focused on the self-management of prehypertension and hypertension using a whole health care model.
This free online program is open to all faculty and staff in the GW Medical Enterprise—GW School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Medical Faculty Associates, and GW Hospital—and Children's National Hospital.
The virtual group visits start on January 6, 2023 and will take place every Friday from 12-1 pm ET over four weeks.
Experiential videos from health professionals in the field of Lifestyle Medicine are included to help you practice new skills at home.
Week 1: Orientation (1/6)
Facilitators: Ashley Drapeau, PA-C, MPAS, MAC, LAc, behavioral services physician assistant, and Viktoriya Karakcheyeva, MD, MS, NCC, LCPC, LCADS, behavioral services director, R&W Center
• Welcome
• What to expect
• Goal setting
Week 2: Stress reduction (1/13)
Facilitator: Lorenzo Norris, MD, chief wellness officer, GW medical enterprise, and medical director, R&W Center
• Learn how to recognize your stressors
• Review simple ways to cope with stress at work and home
• Mindfulness skill session
Week 3: Nutrition (1/20)
Facilitator: Leigh Frame, PhD, MHS, CERT ’20, associate director, R&W Center
• Learn how small changes in your diet can have a big impact
• Learn how to eat healthy without giving up all the foods you love
• Cooking demonstration
Week 4: Physical activity (1/27)
Facilitator: Kyle Levers, Ph.D., CSCS,*D, assistant professor of exercise science director, Metabolism and Exercise Testing Laboratory, Department of Exercise & Nutrition Sciences, GW Milken Institute School of Public Health
• Learn how to add physical activity to your life, even if you don’t think you have time
• Review different types of physical activity
• Yoga demonstration
Be empowered to make healthy lifestyle changes while receiving and providing motivation and support to each other!