Resiliency & Well-being for Whole Health: A Worksheet

This worksheet will walk you through each aspect of whole health to build your Resiliency & Well-being Plan in 5 easy steps.

You can revisit this plan and update it at any time. We suggest you do this annually.

Purpose, Self Care, Clinical Care, Communities


Knowing what is important to you—what makes you get up in the morning—will help guide your decision making in all aspects of your life, including your well-being.


  • Take a deep breath in... and release.


  • What matters to you right now?
  • What matters to you in the long term?


  • What is your purpose?

Lifestyle for Whole Health: Supporting your Purpose & Resilience (Video)



Prioritizing your whole health allows you to fulfill your purpose. Each element contributes to this.

Natural Movement  

Motion is lotion: body, mind, and spirit. Movement, physical activity, and exercise all play a role.

Pause & Notice

  • How does it feel to move your body?
  • How could this be improved? It’s all about continual improvement.


  • How will you ensure you have natural movement throughout your day?

Select SMART Goal(s)

  • Select 1-2 goals to work on at a time
    • Goals should be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely

Natural Movement: Supporting your Purpose & Resilience (Video)




The space around you may impact your mood, choices, and physiology. Ideally, it is healing / nurturing.

Pause & Notice

  • How do you feel in the space you are in right now?
  • Is this typical of your environment? How so?
  • Do you have access to outdoor space or green space?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of your environment in general?


  • How will you improve your environment to support your whole health?

Select SMART Goal(s)

  • Select 1-2 goals to work on at a time
  • Goals should be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely




Fuel your body, mind, and spirit (enjoy it!). Good nutrition gives you energy and all the building blocks for every process in your body.

Pause & Notice

  • How do you feel after your favorite meal?
  • What types of food make you feel good after you eat them? These are your power foods.


  • How will you ensure you have easy access to your power foods throughout the day/week?

Select SMART Goal(s)

  • Select 1-2 goals to work on at a time
    • Goals should be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely

Nutrition: Supporting your Purpose & Resilience (Video)




Stress is unavoidable; how we deal with it is what matters. Managing stress requires time to recharge.

Pause & Notice

  • When do you need quiet and what types of quiet activities do you like? This is your restful recharging.
  • How do you get out stress/anxiety/excess energy? When do you need these most? This is your powerful recharge.


  • How will you give yourself time for both restful and powerful recharging?

Select SMART Goal(s)

  • Select 1-2 goals to work on at a time
    • Goals should be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely

Recharge: Supporting your Purpose & Resilience (Video)


support and belonging

Support & Belonging  

Human beings are social creatures. We need quality connections with each other.

Pause & Notice

  • Who do you interact with directly on a regular basis? These people/groups are your collaborators.
  • Who do you wish you interacted with more and who do you reach out to in times of stress or uncertainty? These people/groups are your support system.


  • How will you strengthen your connections with your collaborators and/or your support system?

Select SMART Goal(s)

  • Select 1-2 goals to work on at a time
    • Goals should be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely

Support & Belonging: Supporting your Purpose & Resilience (Video)




Rather than waiting until a problem occurs (reactive), be mindful of prevention (proactive).

Pause & Notice

  • How do you listen to your body for signs of stress or other disruptions in your whole health?
  • What are you doing to prevent disruption of your purpose?


  • How can you strengthen this? What role does Whole Health play?

Select SMART Goal(s)

  • Select 1-2 goals to work on at a time
  • Goals should be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely



Seek a health care provider when necessary. Preventative measures like check-ups and screening are also crucial, which may include self-exams.

Pause & Notice

  • Is your body telling you to seek care?
  • Are you getting your regular check-ups and screenings?


  • How can you prioritize your clinical care?

Select SMART Goal(s)

  • Select 1-2 goals to work on at a time
    • Goals should be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely



You are part of the community around you, and it contributes to your whole health.

Pause & Notice

  • What about your community supports your whole health?
  • Is there room for improvement?


  • How can you improve your community to support your whole health?

Select SMART Goal(s)

  • Select 1-2 goals to work on at a time
    • Goals should be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely



After completing Steps 1-4, work to implement your ideas. Check back here to reassess—3-6 weeks later or as often as you like. Reflect on the following and update Steps 2-4 as needed.


  • Where have you seen your greatest improvement?
  • How is that affecting you (mind, body, spirit)?
  • Can you continue that momentum for even greater improvement?


  • What roadblocks have you hit?
  • Can these be avoided or do your goals need to be adjusted?